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More history for Tiger Woods. He makes the Masters cut for a record 24th time in a row

2024-06-03 16:52:58 [style] Source:Cultural Caravan news portal

AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — A howling gust -- the kind that created havoc at Augusta National all day long -- struck the 18th green just as Tiger Woods was lining up yet another testy putt. Fine particles of sand stirred from the pearl-white bunkers, whipping across the slick green surface.

One caddie’s hat was blown off. Woods turned away quickly, avoiding the potentially painful daggers to his eyes.

Not to worry.

It was just a windy respite on the way to another bit of Masters history Friday.

When the blast subsided enough to look again, Woods rolled in a 5-foot putt to cap an even-par 72 that ensured he made the cut for a record 24th time in a row.

Of course, his sights were fixated on a far greater goal — a record-tying sixth green jacket.

Woods broke the cut mark he shared with three-time champion Gary Player, who advanced to the weekend 23 straight times beginning in 1959, and 1992 winner Fred Couples, whose own streak lasted until 2007.

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